"You are perfect. Just as you are."
Can we dissect this a bit?
I've spent so much of my life worrying about what others think. I've always been driven to be the best. Always feeling as though I fell short.
It started young. Dance? I was good, but not THE BEST. Handwriting in elementary school... No seriously who here (at least once) worried that they didn't have good handwriting? Just me? Cool, cool. LOL!
Then it hit me... Far later in life than I would like to admit... Why spend so much time worrying and what was the worrying keeping me from? Really fun things. The fear of not being the best, of not being perfect, was getting in the way of... me.
I now strive to live life to the fullest while experiencing #FFT (Freaking First Times) and being ok with sucking. Who is great at something they just started? I am my own worst critic.
Most importantly, would I want my daughters to think the way I do or talk to myself? Would I want them to get in the way of them living a full life - Enjoying all the things? No. Because I DO think they're perfect... Even though they too have things to work on as they grow in to little adults.
So. At 38. I've learned and continue to learn... To be kind, empathetic - That it's ok NOT to be the best... Instead I attempt to be the best that I can be. Myself.
It's ok to mess up. It's ok to fall short. It's what you do with it... Pick up, learn, and keep on.
Now, I'd be lying if there wasn't an incredibly strong voice in my head pushing ahead with competition. But I think competition is ok. It pushes me... However, I've learned to be more ok with the fails too.
The truth is, I'm NOT perfect. I won't ever be. The beautiful thing about life is - If you let it happen - Your community will find you/you will find them - They'll love you despite your imperfections. Those are the people you keep around. The ones who make you feel bad about the things you aren't good at? Or the people that make you feel bad in general are better left in the dust of your #fft You should never have to prove your worth. Be - Just as you are.
What's something you've always wanted to do but too afraid to do it?
"You are perfect. Just as you are.".Can we dissect this a bit?.I've spent so much of my life worrying about what others think. I've always been driven to be the best. Always feeling as though I fell short. .It started young. Dance? I was good, but not THE BEST. Handwriting in elementary school... No seriously who her