As Seen In
"We have to say, this is the most aesthetically pleasing kids' barefoot shoe brand we have ever seen! We asked over 50 of their customers about these shoes and they loved them!"

Who Is Little Love Bug Company?
Wanna know a secret? Ok. It's not really a secret. I learned everything to start and run Little Love Bug on podcasts. I have a marketing and sales background (I sold coffee aka liquid gold) and have a bachelors of science in Sociology because I wanted to work with kids. Starting and running a business? Thank you University of Podcasts! So to keep with the times, here's a little podcast for the complete down low on how I got started with Little Love Bug Company and some thoughts on... Life.
The Story
Raised in the beautiful Pacific Northwest; I'm a sleep deprived single Mom in Portland, Oregon who wears yoga pants and hopes to one day sleep through the night again. I love all things coffee (because I need the caffeine), my friends (because life can be hard), a good laugh (apparently my laugh is fairly recognizable), working out (turns out doctor's were on to something when they said it helps with mental health), and my family (they're my rock).
I left a corporate sales gig for a much more difficult job - to stay home with and raise my two daughters. I created Little Love Bug: after my own children, whom I call my “Little Love Bugs”. Little Love Bug Co gives my brain another avenue of thought beyond unicorns, never ending laundry, "toot" jokes, and the typical growing pains of my little stinkers.
I’ve always loved baby moccasins and the benefits they have for little feet. Rigid, constricting shoes, while cute (who doesn’t love the look of those miniature size running shoes) affect foot development (click here on a more extensive dive in to why moccasins for your toddler). Did you know there are 26 bones in the foot? Feet move in to proper alignment naturally for a toddler, as long as they're not restrained or restricted. I tried to have my littles run around barefoot as much as possible, but the American Board of Pediatrics recommends soft sole shoes once children begin to walk to protect their feet from rocks, slivers, temperatures, rough surfaces, etc. and toddlers are recommended to continue to be in flexible soft soled shoes until at least the age of two.⠀
With pediatric recommendations, I purchased many moccasins loving the idea that my kids could feel the floor to learn early balance and felt happy that I was encouraging proper foot growth. Because let's be real, parenting is tough and with so many "recommendations" on all things babyhood these days - I felt at least I had THIS one thing covered. However, I found my kids would slip, as the standard moccs didn't have enough grip. They would also easily rip holes in un-durable bottoms - especially once they were more active. I needed a solution...
I had an opportunity to problem solve in 2017 when my brain needed a distraction as my dad battled two different forms of cancer (devastation would be an understatement), so I dove head first in to learning how to create and run my own mocc shop.
I started out as a trendy baby mocc shop with non-slip soles - Before it was "a thing". It was scary, anxiety ridden, and has proven to be a never ending learning experience, but nonetheless, in September of 2017 I launched online... And I love it.
I'm proud to say that I have a manufacturing team that I rely on. I have created amazing connections around the world bringing you the best to your doorstep. My team consists of members from the UK, Spain, China, South Africa, and of course the US. While I love the idea of purchasing USA made only, please note this is not something I could accomplish for the quality I was seeking - The small group of artisans that I've found and work with are based in China for my shoes. I'm proud of their work and what we continue to be able to accomplish at a price point that is affordable to my customer base.
A goal as I grow is to bring on amazing moms that can help grow my brand and support Little Love Bug Company. Near or far. Giving the opportunity to other moms who wish to stay at home with their kids, but also bring in an income - Such as I've created for myself - would be an absolute dream.
Within 6 months of launching, 2,000 pairs of my high quality leather moccasins had been purchased, worn, and tested by little love bugs worldwide. Word quickly spread of my "esthetically pleasing" minimalist shoes; Shoes with a purpose. I'm humbled by the support and love I've experienced through this entire process. My eyes were opened up to the absolute beauty of all things modern day motherhood; their talents, ability to multi-task, raise their little love bugs, all while supporting each other in a way I'd yet to discover.
Not to mention, I now have endless choices of minimalist shoes to have my littles run around in and my dad beat cancer. #winning I hope you and your little bug enjoys them as much as mine have,
Leslie Nelson
Mom and Owner
Little Love Bug Company®
As Seen On
KGW8 reached out to feature us in their mom-run business lifestyle segment, Homegrown, which highlights unique local shops and the stories behind them.

Barefoot Queen Review
Anya's Reviews (The Barefoot Queen). "If you are also trying to outfit your crew in nice shoes that don’t damage developing feet, you need to know about this brand."

Tag Us On Instagram!
PS. I love hearing from my customers and get excited to see your little's tagged in my brand, so if you don't follow me yet on Instagram, meet me there and join in my journey - you might just win some free stuff!