What is CBD Oil?
CBD oil, also known as cannabidiol, is a very popular remedy. Many people use it to help them sleep, as a pain reliever, and to treat anxiety and depression. Is CBD oil safe to take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?
When you are pregnant anything you ingest will affect your baby. That is why pregnant women need to be careful about everything that they put in their bodies, breathe in or absorb on their skin.
CBD oil comes from the cannabis plant. Unlike marijuana, CBD oil comes from cannabis plants that do not contain high levels of the mind-altering compound THC. For this reason, CBD oil is considered a lot safer. In place of THC, the hemp plant has more concentration of cannabinoids that are very helpful to the functioning of the body. The cannabis plant without high levels of THC, also known as hemp, is legal in legal in most countries and safe for elderly people, children, and even pets. Uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms can be treated with CBD oil, however, many people still have their reservations about it.
Are There Risks Associated with CBD Oil During Pregnancy?
A lot of people that are against taking CBD oil for pregnancy believe that it is too risky. They claim that not enough studies have been conducted on the side effects and health risks to the baby. People that are for the use of CBD oil during pregnancy state that it is a safe and natural way to ease anxiety pain and depression. They argue that it is safer than taking prescription medication.
Recent studies have shown that marijuana adversely affects the endocannabinoid system, which is the system responsible for the creation of neurons and building brain pathways in the unborn baby's brain. Because of this, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has explicitly recommended the discontinuation of marijuana use in pregnant women and lactating mothers. The government does not regulate CBD oil. This is the main reason why the ACOG does not recommend its use. Most Obstetricians and Gynecologists believe taking CBD oil while pregnant is a huge risk.
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As stated previously, CBD oil comes from plants without high levels of THC. This makes the supplement much safer for pregnant women. It may be okay for you to take CBD oil during pregnancy, but make sure you discuss it with your doctor first.
Safe Ways to Take CBD Oil During Pregnancy
Oils, lotions, and capsules containing 100% hemp extracts are the safest way to ingest CBD during pregnancy. Hemp oil is safe and legal in all 50 states. It is also widely available even in states where marijuana isn't legal.
Avoid products that state "CBD Rich." Most likely they contain trace amounts of THC. Pregnant women should not consume any THC. Pregnant women should also avoid smoking and products with potentially hazardous chemicals. It is best to stay away from edibles and anything that you make yourself.
Does CBD Oil Help Ease Pregnancy-Related Nausea?
Half of pregnant women experience nausea, also known as morning sickness. A recent study showed that cannabinoids may ease nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy. Some women claim that taking CBD oil right away immediately relieves morning sickness. CBD may reduce nausea by interacting with serotonin receptors.
Is CBD Oil Safe While Breastfeeding?
One out of 1 out of every 7 women experience postpartum depression. Many new moms have an interest in taking CBD oil because it helps with anxiety and depression. Only 15% of women get treated for their postpartum depression. Many doctors do not screen for the condition. Women with postpartum depression have a harder time bonding with their babies. Many of these children grow up with psychological problems when they get older.
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The women that are treated for their postpartum depression are usually prescribed anti-depressants. These drugs may or may not help but are safe for breastfeeding moms. Many of them also come with negative side effects such as weight gain, insomnia and diarrhea.
Research on CBD and Nursing Mothers
Unfortunately, there isn't enough scientific research on the effects of CBD for nursing mothers. But there have been studies on expectant and breastfeeding mothers and THC. A 2014 study by Gunn et al. discovered that women who used cannabis during pregnancy had an increase in the odds of anemia compared with women who did not use cannabis during pregnancy. Infants exposed to cannabis in utero had a decrease in birth weight. The results concluded that women shouldn't smoke marijuana while pregnant.
Several studies on breast milk and CBD have been conducted. They all determined that breast milk contains the same cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant and they are crucial for correct human development. Scientists are still researching relation cannabinoids in breast milk. It is known that cannabinoids adhere easily to fat, which is abundant in breast milk. Today scientists are investigating whether the exposure of cannabis to the mother while breastfeeding has any relevance in the transmission of active components in the plant to newborns.
Due to the lack of research on how CBD affects breastfeeding mothers and their newborns it is not recommended that lactating moms take this supplement.
Can You use Topical CBD While Pregnant?
CBD creams are used to treat pain associated with arthritis, back pain, and sore muscles. CBD cream or hemp oil cream can also help treat acne. Many pregnant women experience muscle aches and hormonal acne. Using topical CBD may ease these pregnancy symptoms.
If you are pregnant you should read the label and make sure the CBD cream does not contain THC before rubbing it on your sore back. Many topical CBD products are labeled hemp oil cream. Some of them are safe while others state, "talk to your doctor first if you are pregnant before using this product." Make sure you read the label and ingredients carefully before using anything with CBD while pregnant.
CBD oil is a hot item in the United States today. It is a great pain reliever, can help people sleep, relieves anxiety, treats inflammation and eases nausea. Many people take a CBD supplement every day. Women who are already taking CBD may wonder if they can continue its use when they learn that they are expecting a baby. TCH found in marijuana has mind-altering effects and scientific evidence proves that it is not safe for an unborn child. However, most CBD products do not contain THC. This leads many to believe that it may be safe for pregnant and lactating women. But, there are not enough studies on the effects of CBD on unborn babies and newborns.
CBD oil may be too risky for pregnant and lactating women. You should always read the product label thoroughly and discuss it with your doctor before taking a CBD supplement.
Written by Cascia Talbert for The Healthy Moms Magazine and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com.