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Top 5 Things I Learned When My Child Started Crawling And Walking

Top 5 Things I Learned When My Child Started Crawling And Walking

Rack Up On Pampers Cruisers and Be Careful What You Wish For

I vividly remember the wild, first 10 months of my son’s life, where he went from turning over on his own, at just a few days old, to rolling around in circles on the floor. I remember him going from scooting to crawling and pulling himself up on things around the house, to taking his first steps, without the support of a table corner, a couch arm, the walker or my hand.

. Working Mother

Growing up Mommy

Toddler Days, with my little Prince By: Niedria D. Kenny

  1. The first lesson I learned was to not wish for it to happen so quickly. Boy, was I in for a ride. I looked forward to it happening, and was happy that he could be independent. I thought it would help me out, being a single parent and needing him to find his way to the kitchen on his own, without me having to run back and forth to tend to him, while I was trying to cook.

  2. I learned that once our little ones began to walk, they are less curious about what their mommies are doing in the kitchen, and more curious about what they can get into, while mom isn’t looking. I never knew that once those steps were in full effect, I’d be doing a whole lot more running, than the little, that I was complaining about.

. Working Mother

Growing up Mommy

At least he was a helpful little one, once he began to walk... By: Niedria D, Kenny

  1. This is when I learned that it was time to baby proof the house, even more than I had already done. Now, it was time to put locks on the pantry door, a lock on the refrigerator, and gates around the house.

  2. I also learned that I needed a better diaper, and that it was wise to stock up on them when discounts and opportunities to save were available. Now that he was on the move, I needed to get on the move to find a diaper that offered the best fit and dryness for busy babies. It was during this time that I truly began to research, test and do trials to determine which would best suit his needs and my wallet. That’s when I found Pampers Cruisers to be the perfect fit for both of us. While motherhood offered no cruise control, Pampers did provide Cruisers.

. Working Mother

Growing up Mommy

The little Prince sits, in his Cruisers, attentively watching the Muppets show By: Niedria Kenny

I wanted something that didn’t sag like ordinary diapers, which would allow my son to move more freely. I found that Cruisers’ unique 3-way fit adapts at the waist, legs and bottom for more flexibility. This was important, as I had one chunky and active little one.

. Working Mother

Other benefits were that Pampers Cruisers soft, stretchy sides helped the diaper stay in place, flexing with his every move. Having had a healthy and chunky baby that moved around a lot; I was impressed that Pampers Cruisers' flexible leg cuffs gently seal around baby’s legs for a strong leakage barrier. And lastly, Cruisers have Extra Absorb Channels for a 12-hour dryness and leg sagging.

  1. Around the 16th month, I discovered it was time to purchase a more secure baby gate for the stairs. You can see in the video featured below just how effective I was in doing that! He’s totally caught off guard, at 16 months old, in his Pampers Cruisers trying to figure out how to get through the gate. #MommyWins

Here’s how you can win too: Shop at Sam’s Club, on or on the Sam's Club app before October 31st and get instant savings of $8 and free shipping or Club Pickup (where available) when you buy two packages of Pampers Diapers. Savings will automatically be calculated when check-out at the register in-club, with the Scan & the Go App or on

. Working Mother


A saving grace, as we made our way through infancy and toddler years

The most valuable lesson of all, which I am fortunate to have learned and accepted early on, was that my son was full-speed ahead and there was going to be no slowing down. It was time for me to seriously consider how I would be able to do all of this on my own. Saving time in stores and saving money on purchases by stocking up on Pampers Cruisers was included in my plan of action.

I used to dread going shopping with my son, because he was a busy-body, even in the buggy. He required so much attention. If I didn’t try to take so much stuff, to keep him occupied while in the store, things could have gone a lot smoother. That is something else I learned. My friend once said to me, “You’re going to get robbed one day, carrying all that stuff around” LOL, stating that I packed the kit and caboodle when I left the house with my son. In hindsight, I did kind of look like I was going camping every time I left the house.

. Working Mother

Pampers Best Fit

Being a woman on the go, and always on the go with my little one, having an option to Scan & Go saves the day for the working mother. With Sam’s Club Scan & Go App, you can skip the checkout line and save time by downloading the app and scanning your items with your phone as you shop in the club. Check out with the app, your receipt will appear on your phone and you are on your way.

. Working Mother

Sam's Club Pampers Cruisers

Club Pickup - Order your Pampers Cruisers on and select Club Pickup to have everything waiting for you when you arrive to the club. You don’t even need to leave your car in some clubs. Now, how about that for being short on time or stressing over shopping with your active and curious little shopper in training!

Written by Niedria D. Kenny for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to

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